
Attribute Description (where applicable)
Asset AgeRepresents the Age as a percentage value, calculated using Installation Date and Technical Lifetime
Asset Count
Asset GroupRepresents the Asset Group (Equipment/Linea Asset/Etc.)
Asset HealthLatest Health Value of the asset as a Percentage
Asset Health ColorRepresents the Color Hex Code for the latest Asset Health Value
Asset Health LevelRepresents the Health Level Category of the latest Asset Health Value
Asset Health Level CodeRepresents the Health Level Category Code of the latest Asset Health Value
Asset IdAsset ID (Object ID for equipment objects, etc)
Category Id
Company IdRepresents the Company ID which the asset belongs to
Condition ScoreRepresents the Condition Score of the Asset as a Percentage Value
Dim_Asset_Health_LevelRepresents the Health Level ID from the ASSET HEALTH LEVEL Dimension
Dim_Asset_IdDimension ID for Asset ID
Dim_Asset_TypeDimension ID for Asset Type
Dim_Company_IdDimension ID for Company ID
Dim_Site_IdDimension ID for Site ID
IDKey ID for the Asset - Combination of Object Seq + Asset Group
ObjSearchCombination of Asset ID + Asset Name - Used or Search bars
Object LevelRepresents the Object Level of the Asset
Object NameName of the Asset (Description)
Object SeqKey of the Asset in its relavant Asset Group
Object TypeRepresents the Type of Asset in the Asset Group
Object Type DescDescription of the Object Type
Operational StatusRepresents the Operational Status of the Asset
Operational Status DbRepresents the Operational Status Code
Production DateRepresents the Production Date of the Asset
Remaining LifeRemaining Life percentage calculated from Installation Date and Technical Lifetime
SITE_TXA combination of Site ID + Site Description - Used for Search and Slicers
Site IdRepresents the Site ID of the Asset
Technical LifetimeExpected Lifetime of the Asset in Years


Model Name

Data source Information

The data source for this object is defined using IFS Developer Tool. The data source contains a number of transformations where the model reads data from the last step, i.e. the Data source view name (DW Source View Name).

Model Table DW Source view (SQL Server) BI Access View Referenced Information Source Recommended Access Type